May 30.
The Customs receipts for the month show an increase of £339 3s. 10d. over those for the previous month.
The totals were:- April, £1084 6s. 3d.; May, £1423 10s. 1d.
A youth named
Harvey Tully, 17 years of age, was convicted at the Goodna Police Court yesterday on a charge of larceny from the dwelling of one
James Harnell, and was fined 20s., or a week's imprisonment.
Sergeant Atkinson, in consideration of the accused's youth, did not press for a heavy sentence, as a long term of imprisonment would mean his being sent to Brisbane Gaol, thus bringing him in contact with hardened criminals.
The Southern Star football team visited Goodna this afternoon and played a match with a local fifteen on the Asylum Ground.
The Ipswich club won by 9 points to 5.
During the first half the game was mainly in favour of the Stars, for whom Hardie got a try. The second half was more evenly contested.
A. Coogan secured a try for Goodna, from which P. Coogan kicked a goal, and Caskie scored two tries for the visitors.
The Pioneers and a junior fifteen of the Grammar School met on the ground of the latter, and the Grammar School boys secured the victory by 9 points to 6.
The tries for the School were obtained by I. Hill, E. Pender, and T. Taylor, and for the Pioneers C. Nolan and Jeffrey. No goals were kicked.
The following are the local registrar's returns for the month of May:-
Ipswich: Births, 23 males, 16 females, total 39; deaths, 10 males, 6 females, total 16.
West Moreton: Births, 21 males, 27 females, total 43; deaths, 9 males, 5 females, total 14.
There were 13 marriages registered for the town and 3 for West Moreton.
This site is dedicated to the preservation of our local history in
Ipswich's Eastern Suburbs including Goodna, Gailes, Camira,
Bellbird Park, Augustine Heights, Brookwater, Springfield,
Redbank Plains, Redbank and Collingwood Park.
Please email Cr Paul Tully with details for inclusion of local
historical information on this site.