SIR, - An inspired writer says that "In the midst of life we are in death;" and as none of us know how soon we may be called upon to experience the reality, it has occurred to me as wonderfully strange that the inhabitants of Goodna have hitherto been neglectful in not availing themselves of the land generously reserved for a cemetery wherein the inhabitants of the town and surrounding district may bury their dead.
It is necessary that steps should be taken to obviate the necessity of taking our dead (and that frequently during very ungenial weather) ten or eleven miles to the nearest existing cemetery.
Some twelve months ago tho matter was agitated, and in consequence of the inactivity of the then existing trustees it was resolved to call upon them to resign and allow their places to be filled by others, who, as residents of the locality, would, it was supposed, take more interest in the matter.
Others were appointed and duly gazetted, but alas, the "mantle" of the former trustees seems to have fallen upon their successors, and they also have quietly fol-lowed their daily avocations, and, as far as we can judge, have done nothing towards fulfilling the duties they voluntarily accepted.
We sincerely hope that the matter will be again agitated and means devised without any further delay to bring the same to an issue -Yours, &c.,
Goodna, May 8.
This site is dedicated to the preservation of our local history in
Ipswich's Eastern Suburbs including Goodna, Gailes, Camira,
Bellbird Park, Augustine Heights, Brookwater, Springfield,
Redbank Plains, Redbank and Collingwood Park.
Please email Cr Paul Tully with details for inclusion of local
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